Hello Stampers!

This is a milestone weekend for me! I’ve been a Stampin’ Up! demonstrator for five years! WooHoo! To celebrate that, I’m offering a free gift to anyone who places any order of any size from my online store now through Monday, November 30. Please use hostess code: 72ZJBABX. Also, be sure to select the option that allows me to contact you. I can’t send your free gift if I don’t know who you are!

There are a lot of great specials going on now at Stampin’ Up!

  • Click here to shop the Online Extravaganza Sale that goes through Monday
  • Click here to shop the Clearance Rack
  • Click here to shop the Weekly Deals

A special thanks to Kathy Blume for the gift bag and its contents. She joined my team a couple of years ago and has since moved to Tennessee. You can’t see it, but there’s chocolate inside! I love how she used a blend of Stampin’ Up! products to put this gift together!

Thanks for all those who have supported me during my five years as a Stampin’ Up! demonstrator! I appreciate you, and I look forward to many more!


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