Hello Stampers!
Are you looking for inspiration, fun, and free product? A monthly club could be for you. How does it work?
You sign up for a six-month term and commit to:
- Entering a $25 minimum online order (before shipping & tax) each month. You’re responsible for paying the shipping and tax on orders you place.
- Placing your order by the 15th (or other specified day) of each month
- Using the host code for each month provided to you in an email sent at the beginning of each month
Once six members have committed, I’ll conduct a random drawing to determine your host month. You’re then guaranteed:
- A minimum $150 workshop order during your designated month as the host
- A minimum of $15 in Stampin’ Rewards to spend on exclusive host stamp sets or any other current Stampin’ Up! product during your designated month**
- Exclusive product perks for your orders each month. For example, it could be a set of rhinestones for a $50+ order.
- Free monthly tutorial with four projects delivered via email
- Free catalogs during your club membership term
- A free, current stamp set of your choice (valued up to $25) at the end of the six-month period (excluding host sets)
- First chance to sign up for the next six-month term
**When it’s your month to host, you’re welcome (and encouraged) to gather additional orders to increase your Stampin’ Rewards. (Just give your friends the monthly host code and ordering information.) If you already have five friends who want to participate, start your own exclusive club.
Additional note: Your commitment is for six months. Other crafters in the club are counting on you and your monthly club order.
Please contact me if this opportunity interests you. I’d like to get a club going as soon as possible.